Over here, over there, Mentally Fit EP is everywhere!!
Check out what we have been up to over the past few months!
As the months fly by we wonder where the time goes! Since our last newsletter we have presented at The Mental Health Services Conference in Adelaide, celebrated the sashing of Miss Cummins Community Bank- Holley-Elise Pervan who is raising money for us through the 2019 Tunarama Ambassador Quest, had a meeting with The Honourable Stephen Wade MLC; South Australia’s Minister for Health and Wellbeing in Adelaide, attended the Eyre Peninsula Field Days, and so much more!
...we hosted a 'Wellness Hour' (which actually ended up going for an hour and a half!...
We were lucky enough to have a space in the Crossville Pavilion over the three days at the EP Field Days. We had some of the Rotary Men's Wellness Campaign on display, as well as a table stocked with resources.
Another highlight was the opportunity to present two talks in the EP Pavilion.
Jo and Lain were part of a 'Wellness Hour' (which actually ended up going for an hour and a half!) with Kat Pobke from EP Natural Resources, Ngahuia Trewartha from Mana Ceremonies, and Mel Semmler from MS Training. The session saw the audience be taken through a journey of learning about their personal needs, how to seek help for mental illness, the importance of connections with nature, a mindful breathing meditation, and a cooking demo and taste testing session.
Feedback was so wonderful that similar collaborations will be taking place again, one being in Cummins and another in Port Lincoln as part of Miss Cummins District Community Bank's Tunarama Ambassador Quest fundraising.
The other presentation was an overview of the Rotary Men's Wellness Campaign given by Jo and Lain. We explained to the audience how the campaign came about and then discussed signs to look for when someone may be unwell, and how to seek help. The opportunity to spread the message of wellness, and to talk to vulnerable farmers, was invaluable, and so important.
Check out the newsletter in the gallery below, or head to our Facebook page at Mentally Fit EP, https://www.facebook.com/MentallyFitEP/
If you can't find it you can access the first page here and then flick through our photo album to see the rest here: https://www.facebook.com/MentallyFitEP/photos/pcb.1869410126483849/1869409579817237/?type=3&theater
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