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Mentally Fit EP proudly offers a FREE course called "Take Charge of Your Life"

"Take Charge of Your Life" is a course that has been developed using Choice Theory Psychology. It offers the opportunity to learn new ways of looking after your own mental wellbeing and to understand why you do the things you do! It's aim is to present ideas that YOU can use to more effectively manage YOUR life and so enjoy a greater level of mental health and wellbeing.


With the concepts and beliefs of Choice Theory, described by author Dr William Glasser, every human being can manage their lives more effectively and learn to self-evaluate each choice of behaviour so that we can be productive and pursue happiness throughout our lives.


In this program, the concepts of Choice Theory will be presented for you to decide whether you think this theory of behaviour is accurate for you.


You will be able to use these concepts to become aware of your behaviour, be able to assess the reasons you are making the choices you are making, self-evaluate how effective your choices are and learn to plan for actions that will create the life you want to live.

Copy of Copy of 3 X 2 Hour interactive s

So what does a course look like?


Session 1:

How much time do we spend trying to change things that are outside of our control?           

Learning to focus on things we can control.


Why do we make particular choices in our life?  

Understanding the choices we make.


Session 2:

How much of our joy and suffering involves our relationships with the people who are most important to us?         

Creating positive relationships.


What influences what we think?

The power of our perceptions.


Session 3:

What happens when we don’t get what we want? How can we stay balanced?

The how and why of our behaviour.


How can we take more responsibility for our own mental health?

Creating a plan to support our own mental wellbeing.



What are people saying about the course?


“I feel better after struggling (with my mental health) before the course.”


“I have a new way of looking at my

relationships and how I can impact them.”


“I do have a choice.”


“You can’t choose the way you feel but you can choose the way you act about things in your life.”


“I appreciated that it wasn’t about sharing our own stories.”

Get in touch with us via our contact details below to register your interest, and be sure to check our upcoming Events & Courses to see if there is a course being held new you!
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